Ethical Values

Here are the ethical values involved with Identity Theft Awareness:

  • Honesty - Don't lie or scam people to try and steal their identity
  • Integrity - We should be able to trust people not to steal our identity
  • Respect - Have respect for people's privacy and property
  • Awareness - Keep yourself informed and educated
  • Courtesy - Have the courtesy not to steal someones identity
  • Fairness - It's not fair to someone's personal liberty to steal their identity
  • Foresight - Have the diligence to stay informed and proactive about your security
  • Imagination - Always imagine ways your identity could be stolen and take measures to counteract them
  • Social Responsibility - One has the responsibility to not steal identities and to take action against those who do in some way.
  • Trustworthiness - You should be able to have people trust you not to steal their identity
  • Truthfulness - You have the responsibility to let people know they may be at risk and to turn yourself in if you've done it.